Cerro Flow Products Type M Residential Hard Copper Tube (1/2-Inch x 2-Ft.)
CerrotubeTMÂ is the original copper tube for plumbing, air conditioning and refrigeration applications in residential, commercial and industrial installations. CerrotubeTMÂ is approved for both domestic water and below grade facility water. Cerro provides a complete range of sizes and types, engineered to exact specifications to meet the highest standards of performance.
General plumbing and heating purposes; drainage waste, vent and other light pressure uses.
Tolerances – level wound copper tubing is produced to the dimensional tolerances specified in ASTM B251. Closer tolerance may be available provided a prior agreement is reached between Cerro and the customer.
Tempers-Â Supercoil level wound coils are provided in the following tempers: Light anneal, Soft anneal
Cleanliness- Annealed copper tubing meets or exceeds the cleanliness levels specified in ASTM B280 and B743. Coils are capped with plastic end caps to ensure cleanliness.
Testing-Â All supercoils are eddy current tested in accordance with ASTM E243. NDET imperfections are marked for removal by the customer.